- Course No E – 1215
- PDH Units 4.00
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- Course No E – 1215
- PDH Units 4.00
Intended Audience: civil and mechanical engineers and other infrastructure design and construction professionals
This course provides an introduction to design criteria for treated water storage requirements at facilities, gives typical design analyses for elevated tanks, standpipes, and reservoirs, and provides guidance on the procedures to be followed in selecting sites for such storage works. The course covers requirements for treated water storage in the distribution system, but not the storage requirements for raw water supplies or fire deluge systems. This course will introduce you to basic considerations when addressing storage requirements for domestic, industrial and firefighting water supply systems. Course Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 2. REQUIREMENTS 3. DETERMINATION OF CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS 4. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF WATER STORAGE FACILITIES 5. REFERENCES 6. TYPICAL DESIGN EXAMPLES
Learning Objectives
At the successful conclusion of this course, you’ll be able to identify and discuss:- Learn about storage requirements to meet peak flow requirements, equalize system pressures, and provide emergency water supply.
- Learn about system pressure requirements and the role storage facilities play in maintaining them.
- Learn the fundamentals of elevated water storage.
- Learn about ground water storage facilities.
- Learn how to integrate emergency and firefighting water requirements into system planning and design.
- Learn how to calculate total water storage requirement.
Once completed, your order and certificate of completion will be available in your profile when you’re logged in to the site.
Ethics Courses
E – 2017 Engineering Ethics: The Hyatt Regency Skyways Collapse; Engineering Errors and Ethical Issuesby Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, Professor Emeritus. Ph.D., PE
E – 1910 Engineering Ethics: I-35W Bridge Collapse; Engineering Errors and Ethical Issuesby Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, Professor Emeritus. Ph.D., PE