- Course No E – 1975
- PDH Units: 1
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- Course No E – 1975
- PDH Units: 1
Intended Audience: Professional Engineers in the State of Indiana who want to renew their licenses.
Professional Engineers seeking to renew their licenses in Indiana are required to take a course on Indiana statutes and rules applicable to the practice of professional engineering. The present course is designed to meet that requirement. This course is intended for Professional Engineers in the State of Indiana who want to renew their licenses. This course is based on excerpts from Title 25 of the Indiana Code and from Article 1.1 of the Indiana Administrative Code given in the course document, Indiana Statutes and Rules for Professional Engineers 2022-2024 Biennium, by Mark Rossow.
Learning Objectives:
At the successful conclusion of this course, you will learn the following knowledge and skills:- Course participants will learn the functions of the Indiana State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers.
- Course participants will be able to discuss knowledgeably the “Rules of Professional Conduct” expected of Professional Engineers.
- Course participants will be able to describe the requirements for continuing education.
- Course participants will understand the rules for corporate practice, public projects employing professional engineers, and judicial review of Board decisions.
- Through case studies, course participants will become familiar with the operation of the Board in monitoring and disciplining Professional Engineers who violate Indiana statutes and rules.
Once completed, your order and certificate of completion will be available in your profile when you’re logged in to the site.
Ethics Courses
E – 1775 “Conflict of Interests” Corrupts Engineering and Endangers Public Safety- The Case of the New SAS Bay Bridgeby Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, Professor Emeritus. Ph.D., PE
E – 1910 Engineering Ethics: I-35W Bridge Collapse; Engineering Errors and Ethical Issuesby Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, Professor Emeritus. Ph.D., PE