Joseph Boulos Chaiban, PE, SI, JD is a Florida Supreme Court certified circuit-civil mediator and a Florida Licensed practicing structural engineer in a Fort Lauderdale based engineering firm with over 35+ years of experience specializing in Structural Design, concrete restoration and structural inspections, forensic, expert witness, threshold, ADA cases and structural engineering Services. Our Forensic and Structural Engineering Divisions is based on our broad-ranging design and inspection experience in civil, structural (bridge, buildings, utilities, drainage, roadway and foundations), extensive projects, research and knowledge of 2017 FBC and Florida statutes as it relates to the construction industry, and litigation involving expert witness including mediation.Mr. Chaiban is a Florida Licensed professional engineer, special threshold inspector, earned a bachelor of science in civil engineering, structural emphasis, Master of Science in advanced engineering studies, an MBA program studies and finally earned a Juris Doctor of Law, 2017.