- Course No E – 1572
- PDH Units 3.00
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- Course No E – 1572
- PDH Units 3.00
Intended Audience: civil and transportation engineers
Sustainable transportation performance measures allow decision-makers to quickly observe the effects of a proposed transportation plan or project and monitor trends in transportation systems over time. While many transportation agencies use transportation performance measures as part of planning and project development, their use to promote sustainability has historically been limited. However, more and more agencies have begun to use sustainable transportation performance measures in order to evaluate the ability of their systems to protect natural resources, improve public health, strengthen energy security, expand the economy, and provide mobility to disadvantaged people. Learn how to incorporate environmental, economic, and social sustainability into transportation decision-making through the use of performance measures in our course created by Dr. Mark P. Rossow, Ph.D., PE. This online engineering course provides examples of best practices in sustainable transportation performance measurement that are being applied across the U.S. The material in the course is based on the EPA document, “Sustainable Transportation Performance Measures".
Learning Objectives
At the successful conclusion of this course, you’ll be able to identify and discuss:- Transit accessibility
- Bicycle and pedestrian mode share
- Vehicle miles traveled per capita
- Carbon intensity
- Mixed land uses
- Transportation affordability
- Distribution of benefits by income group
- Land consumption
- Bicycle and pedestrian activity and safety
- Bicycle and pedestrian level of service
- Average vehicle occupancy
- Transit productivity
Once completed, your order and certificate of completion will be available in your profile when you’re logged in to the site.