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  • Course No E – 1576
  • PDH Units 3.00

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  • Course No E – 1576
  • PDH Units 3.00


Intended Audience: structural engineers, structural analysts, mechanical engineers, and industrial engineers


Engineering Analysis & Design of Finite Elements

The finite element method is now a significant part of engineering analysis and design. In fact, finite element programs are widely used today to analyze different kinds of structures, solids, and fluids. So what are the principles of finite elements? Curated by Dr. Ayman A. Shama, Ph.D., PE, F.ASCE, LEED AP, ENV SP, this course provides design engineers and analysts with the fundamentals principles of finite elements and how to use finite element software. Specifically, this online engineering course sheds light on the matrix stiffness method and predecessor of the finite elements method before outlining the basic formulation steps. Different finite elements used in analyses and the adequacy of each element for different kinds of analyses are also presented. This course wraps up by highlighting specific, real-world industrial applications for damage analysis, design, and computational wind tunnel tests.

Learning Objectives

At the successful conclusion of this course, you’ll be able to identify and discuss:
  • The formulation and limitation of the matrix stiffness method
  • The step-by-step formulation of 2-dimensional constant stress solid element
  • Capabilities of the isoparametric formulation
  • How the finite element method was advanced to solve multi-physics problems
  • Capabilities of the different elements used and their applications
  • How to differentiate between plane stress and plane strain problems
  • How to run damage analysis using finite element method and stress triaxiality
  • Computational wind tunnel tests using finite element

Course No E - 1576
PDH Units 3.00

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