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  • Course No E – 1621
  • PDH Units 3.00

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  • Course No E – 1621
  • PDH Units 3.00


Intended Audience: civil and transportation engineers concerned with mitigating traffic congestion


Explore a time-tested framework to manage traffic demand and mitigate congestion through numerous real-life examples. This course curated by Dr. Rossow presents a proven framework to improve the performance and efficiency of transportation systems, which consists of 3 elements:

  1. Demand-side strategies
  2. Travel choices
  3. Application settings
In particular, this course describes dozens of traffic mitigation strategies and real-life examples to illustrate the framework and demonstrate how these strategies can affect a wide array of travel choices in various application settings. For example, an illustration of this particular framework might be a large urban hospital (the application setting) that causes traffic congestion when employees’ work shift ends. Additionally, the introduction of flextime for the employees (a demand-side strategy) would cause employees to alter their travel departure times (impacting their travel choices) and thus reduce congestion. This online engineering PDH course is based on the Federal Highway Administration document, “Mitigating Traffic Congestion, The Role of Demand-Side Strategies” written by The Association for Commuter Transportation, et al, in partnership with the FHWA, October, 2004.

Learning Objectives

At the successful conclusion of this course, you’ll be able to identify and discuss:Demand-side strategies
  • Mode choices
  • Departure-time choices
  • Route choices
  • Trip reduction choices
  • Origin/destination location choices
  • Real-life applications and case study experiences

Course No E - 1621
PDH Units 3.00

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