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  • Course No E – 1967
  • PDH Units: 3

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  • Course No E – 1967
  • PDH Units: 3


Intended Audience: Civil and Transportation Engineers


In this online engineering PDH course, “Complete Streets” strategies to improve traffic safety are presented. Complete Streets strategies consist of an iterative process that involves: 1. Understanding the community and network context; 2. Identifying safety, connectivity, and equity concerns; 3. Implementing improvements over time; and 4. Evaluating impacts by monitoring and measuring success. The first half of this course is devoted to providing background in some tools that are useful in implementing Complete Streets strategies, such as road diets, speed cameras, and pedestrian refuge islands. The last half of the course provides six hypothetical scenarios of how common arterial corridor configurations can be transformed to accommodate the needs of different users by implementing Complete Streets strategies. This course is intended for civil and transportation engineers interested in increasing their knowledge of how to implement Complete Streets strategies. This course is based on a collection of Federal Highway Administration publications that have been selected by Mark Rossow and compiled into the course document entitled, “Implementing Complete Streets Strategies.”

Learning Objectives:

At the successful conclusion of this course, you will learn the following knowledge and skills:
  • Familiarizing with speed-managing resources such as pedestrian hybrid beacons, speed safety cameras, and raised crosswalks
  • Knowing tools for separating roadway users in time and space such as bike lanes, pedestrian medians, and rectangular rapid flashing beacons
  • Understanding the importance for safety of adequate lighting
  • Recognizing the value for safety of pedestrian refuge islands
  • Familiarizing with reduced left-turn intersections
  • Understanding the advantages for safety of roundabouts
  • Knowing how Complete Street strategies can be applied to common arterial corridor configurations

Course No E - 1967
PDH Units: 3

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