- Course No E – 1741
- PDH Units: 2
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- Course No E – 1741
- PDH Units: 2
Intended Audience: All Engineers.
This course is designed to meet the Florida Board of Professional Engineers continuing education requirement that a minimum of 1 PDH per renewal period must be devoted to study of recent changes (that affect engineering practice) in Chapter 61G15 of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C), “Board of Professional Engineers Organization & Purpose” Chapter 455 of Title XXXII of the Florida Statutes – “Business and Professional Regulation: General Provisions” Chapter 471 of Title XXXII of the Florida Statutes - “Engineering” The course is for the current biennial cycle, 2019-2021 (renewal date of February 28, 2021). The changes described in the course went into effect during the immediately preceding biennium cycle, 2017-2019. Examples of recent disciplinary actions taken by the Florida Board of Professional Engineers are also included. This course is intended for engineers seeking to satisfy the continuing education requirement of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers.
Learning Objectives:
At the successful conclusion of this course, you’ll be able to identify and discuss:- Participants will be able to describe how changes made in Chapter 455 affect licensure of members of the Armed Forces, and inactive and delinquent status.
- Participants will be able to list the changes made in Chapter 471 that affect qualifications for practice and professional engineers performing building code inspector duties.
- Participants will be able to apply to professional practice the changes made in eighteen Chapter 61G15 Rules.
- Participants will be able to explain and justify recent disciplinary actions involving violations of professional engineering laws and rules.
Course Reviews
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Once completed, your order and certificate of completion will be available in your profile when you’re logged in to the site.
Ok course.