In determining whether a given waste is regulated by RCRA, the second step after determining that the waste fits the RCRA definition as a solid waste, is to determine whether the waste is specifically excluded from the RCRA regulations. Learn about those exclusions in this course.
This course is intended primarily for environmental, civil, and chemical engineers. Someone completing this course will gain knowledge about wastes specifically excluded from RCRA regulations.
In this course you need to review the material in the Study Guide, consisting of the document, “Introduction to Solid and Hazardous Waste Exclusions” (EPA530-K-02-0221). Once you complete your course review, you need to take a multiple choice quiz consisting of twenty (20) questions to earn 3 PDH credits. The quiz will be based on the entire document.
- Familiarity with the 19 solid waste exclusions
- Familiarity with the 17 hazardous waste exclusions
- Familiarity with the exclusions for raw material, product and process unit wastes
- Familiarity with the sample and treatability study exclusions
- Familiarity with the dredged material exclusion
- Familiarity with the special issues associated with hazardous waste exclusions