This online engineering PDH course provides key background information on three aspects of signalized intersections: user needs, geometric design, and traffic design and illumination. The intersection forms considered include signalized at-grade intersections and intersections with the potential for grade separation. The course provides a foundation of knowledge of signalized intersections that is useful as a learning tool for entry-level engineers and as a refresher for more experienced engineers.
This course is based on Chapters 2-4 of Report No. FHWA-HRT-04-091 “Signalized Intersections: Informational Guide,” written by Lee A. Rodegerdts, et al, August, 2004, and sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration under Contract No. DTFH61-98-C-00075, Task Order No. B98C75-009.
- Human factors
- Intersection users
- Channelization
- Horizontal and vertical alignment
- Sight distance
- Pedestrian facilities
- Bicycle facilities
- Traffic signal control type and phasing
- Vehicle and pedestrian displays
- Traffic signal pole layout
- Traffic signal controller
- Detection devices
- Basic signal timing parameters
- Signing and pavement marking design
- Illumination design