E – 2091 Seismic Design and Construction of Dwellings and Townhouses According to the International Residential Code (IRC-2024a)
Courses Included
This course presents a plain-language overview of design and construction provisions important to the earthquake performance of one- and two-family detached dwellings and townhouses (referred to as dwellings and townhouses in this course) constructed under the International Residential Code (IRC) (ICC, 2024a). The primary intended audiences for this course are home builders, tradespeople working in the home building industry, and building department plan checkers and inspectors. Secondary audiences include architects, engineers, and homeowners with construction knowledge. The importance of this course lies in the fact that there are not a sufficient number of references dealing with this topic, so the course was designed to be an important guide for structural engineers working in this field.
This course presents a plain-language overview of design and construction provisions important to the earthquake performance of one- and two-family detached dwellings and townhouses (referred to as dwellings and townhouses in this guide) constructed under the International Residential Code (IRC) (ICC, 2024a). The primary intended audiences for this course are home builders, tradespeople working in the home building industry, and building department plan checkers and inspectors. Secondary audiences include architects, engineers, and homeowners with construction knowledge.