E – 2081 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) – PART 5 of 10 LNG plant site selection considerations
Courses Included
This is the fifth of the ten lessons. The topics covered in this lesson include understanding:
- Factors that must be considered when selecting a site for an LNG facility.
- The critical impact of the feed gas composition on the siting decision.
- The need to be nearby gas pipelines for rejecting BOG, regeneration gas, and for making sendout gas.
- The cost and time impacts of easements.
- Sendout interchangeability decision considerations.
- How siting decisions impact design decisions (types of tanks, liquefiers, and vaporizers).
- The criticality of public and government acceptance of your plant.
- Considering future changes that could change siting suitability.
- Buffer zones (both required and desired).
- Zoning, environmental, proximity to airports, schools, and seismic considerations.
- Workforce considerations.