E – 2075 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) – PART 2 of 10 – Tank types, components, top/bottom fill, BOG composition and management, flammable limits
Courses Included
LNG plants and other petrochemical plants are built to bring a return on investment to their investors through their safe operation. Their designers and engineer-led operators require technical knowledge to ensure these facilities are safe and reliable. This course gives you that knowledge.
This training covers LNG technologies at both a technical and human resource development level. This training is needed to help you design, operate, or maintain an LNG facility; however, many LNG topics can also apply to other petrochemical plants. This training is intended to present technical materials to help develop a clear understanding of an LNG facility’s safe and efficient operation. It is intended to give the learner the intermediate technical knowledge needed to make informed planning, maintenance, and operating decisions to ensure plant safety, reliability, and efficiency. The most crucial intention of this training is to give you technical knowledge on how to continue making the liquid natural gas industry safe and reliable.
In the following ten lessons, more detail will be given on the operation of an LNG plant, refrigeration systems for liquefying, and the thermodynamics involved in producing, storing, transporting, and re-vaporizing LNG.
This is lesson one of the ten lessons. Being the first in the 10-lecture series, it presents some basics that must be known to understand the following lessons. It then starts the intermediate training with the following topics:
- LNG Tank Components
- LNG tank relief valves, insulation, and material ratings.
- Benefits and disadvantages of top and bottom tank penetrations; and hold-down straps
- High and low-pressure relief valves.
- Types of tanks and operation of each
- Components of BOG
- BOG flammable limits and smoke.
- Berm requirements for single containment tanks
- LNG tank types – single, double, and full containment; nitrogen and BOG annular space filled.
- Process safety analyzes.
For this intermediate-level course, the learner must have a basic knowledge of LNG and its uses.