- Course No E – 1415
- PDH Units 5.00
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- Course No E – 1415
- PDH Units 5.00
Intended Audience: civil engineers, environmental engineers, chemical engineers, and water quality managers.
Pollutants & Computations in River Water Pollution
Explore how to develop a DO sag curve equation and control for its limitations in this online engineering course on river water pollution.Course Overview
In this PDH engineering course curated by Dr. Karim, P.E., M.ASCE, we'll dive into the specific sources and effects of river water pollutants before digging deeper into water pollutants in rivers more specifically. In particular, we'll walk through the essential stream pollutant components, methods (e.g. mass balance approach) and relevant example problems. Throughout this online course, we'll cover the following essential technical computations related to river water pollution:- Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
- Effect of oxygen-demanding wastes on rivers
- Foundation, graphical depiction and laboratory measurements of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
- DO Sag Curve (aka DO Sag Model or Streeter Phelps Equation)
- Effects of nutrients on water quality and river water pollution
Learning Objectives
At the successful conclusion of this course, you’ll be able to:- Identify water pollutants and their sources.
- Define TMDL, BOD, & COD.
- Model BOD and calculate BOD5 and BODu.
- Determine BOD rate constants graphically.
- Develop DO Sag Curve (Model).
- Explain the effects of nutrients on water quality in rivers.
Once completed, your order and certificate of completion will be available in your profile when you’re logged in to the site.
Ethics Courses
Course No E - 1415
PDH Units 5.00