- Course No E – 1397
- PDH Units 1.00
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- Course No E – 1397
- PDH Units 1.00
Intended Audience: all engineers
This course is based on the publication, A Guide to Office Safety and Health. The techniques and methodologies described in this course document are applicable to most areas in the United States. Occupational safety hazards are prevalent not only in places involving significant physical labor but in the office as well. Employees suffering from poor working conditions exhibit signs of decreased production, anxiety, and job dissatisfaction. This course introduces safe practices and procedures to protect employees from risks associated with office workplace injuries. It offers solutions to the most common workplace associated problems such as: general office safety, indoor air pollution, computer workstations and office environmental issues. This course provides the most important recommendations and how to apply them to common situations. With the proper application of these procedures, as well as consistent implementation practices, it is likely that employees will show more productivity as well as greater work satisfaction overall. This guide is intended to be consistent with all existing OSHA standards therefore, if an area of this course is considered by the reader to be inconsistent with OSHA, then the OSHA standard should be followed. The purpose of this course is to understand the risks associated with on-the-job sedentary health risks and to train employees on how to avoid those risks. The attendee will understand the proper procedures in reducing physical stress and improving ergonomics. Educating employees and mangers on these methods is key concept gained from this course.
Learning Objectives
At the successful conclusion of this course, you’ll be able to identify and discuss:- Understand the injuries related to sedentary office work;
- Be better prepared to remedy sources of indoor air pollution;
- Understand ergonomics and ways to improve comfort; and
- Know important office environmental considerations.
Once completed, your order and certificate of completion will be available in your profile when you’re logged in to the site.