- Course No E – 1931
- PDH Units: 2
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- Course No E – 1931
- PDH Units: 2
Intended Audience: Mechanical & HVAC Engineers
Energy Saving in steam distribution system, explains major industrial application of steam, steam distribution system and their components, loses in steam distribution system, Layout of steam distribution system, Steam pressure and piping design, Losses in steam distribution and their quantification. Insulations used in steam pipes, condensate recovery, Steam traps and checklist. Course Outline This course narrates application of Steam and steam basics. It is explained that high latent heat of steam plays important role in process industries. How steam is distributed from boiler to different process heaters and condensate is returned back to boiler with addition of makeup water is shown in steam distribution layout. Calculation of pressure drop in steam pipes is explained with example. Important guidelines for piping design is discussed with necessary design aspects. Quantification of losses in steam distribution system is explained with necessary tables and examples. Insulation plays vital role in steam distribution system is narrated with details. How to recover condensate in the steam distribution system and common energy saving methods are explained with details. Steam traps are very important part in steam lines, different types of steam traps, classification and selection is described with necessary diagrams. Exhaustive checklist is given at the end of course.
Learning Objectives
At the successful conclusion of this course, you’ll be able to identify and discuss:- Steam distribution system and their components
- Loses in steam distribution system
- Layout of steam distribution system
- Steam pressure and piping design
- Losses in steam distribution and their quantification
- Insulations used in steam pipes
- Condensate recovery
- Steam traps
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