- Course No E – 3001
- PDH Units: 3
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Intended Audience: Civil & Structure Engineers.
The objective of this course is to assist a licensed design professional, practicing structural engineers, forensic structural engineers, consulting engineers, building officials, educators, students and/or a licensed general contractor to deeply know, and to understand when a building or other structure is required to be designed to minimum tornado loads and how to calculate design tornado forces according to ASCE 7-22, and IBC 2024 codes. Unfortunately, there are not a sufficient number of references dealing with this topic, so the course was designed to be an important guide for the structural engineers working in this field. This instructional course is for design professionals and building officials to help them determine when a building or other structure is required to be designed to minimum tornado loads and how to calculate design tornado forces. This guide is in accordance with the updated requirements of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) / Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) standard ASCE 7-22, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures.
Learning Objectives
This PE continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:- Gaining a general overview of the importance is to consider the effects of tornado loads on structures in certain parts of the united states.
- Showing the basic wind speed map versus tornado speed map
- Gaining a general overview of the basic design parameters as defined in ASCE 7-22
- Gaining a general overview of the determination of tornado loads as defined in ASCE 7-22
- Gaining a general overview of the procedure for determining when design for tornado loads is required based on ASCE 7-22
- Gaining a general overview of the procedure for calculating design tornado loads based on ASCE 7-22
- Gaining a general overview of the determining effective plan area
- Gaining a general overview of the determining tornado velocity pressure
- Gaining a general overview of the determining enclosure classification
- Gaining a general overview of the protection of glazed openings
- Gaining a general overview of the protection of glazed openings
- Gaining a general overview of the tornado missile impact testing requirements of ASCE 7
- Gaining a general overview of the determining tornado pressures for rooftop solar panels
- Gaining a general overview of the combined static and dynamic loading conditions
- Gaining a general overview of the load combinations for strength design and allowable stress design
- Showing the detailed step by step design example
Once completed, your order and certificate of completion will be available in your profile when you’re logged in to the site.